Christian Lingua

Case Study

Several months ago, Pastor Rick Warren’s team from Saddleback Publishing contacted Christian Lingua about translating their book “Purpose Driven Life” into over 200 languages

The task seemed daunting, as a team of 600 translators, editors, and theological reviewers had to be assembled to complete this project. Plus, CL had to mobilize close to 15 typesetters to work on the InDesign typesetting. The typesetting team had to deal with serious challenges regarding fonts in difficult languages such as Urdu, Burmese, Amharic, and so on. However, the team spent over 150 hours on each book to make sure that CL leaves a legacy with this PDL.

Christian Lingua took on the project and formed a reliable team of Christian linguists and theologians. They also assigned dedicated project managers and set a complex workflow with deadlines for translation, editing, theological editing, typesetting, and quality control/quality assurance. 

“Purpose Driven Life” became the second book after the Bible to be translated into most languages. Millions of people around the world have enjoyed studying it and growing in their faith. Christian Lingua has received many positive testimonials from Pastors around the world who have used the book in their language to teach and train church members.

The Purpose Driven Life

Rick Warren

This book will help you understand why you are alive and God’s amazing plan for you – both the here and now, and for eternity. Rick Warren will guide you through a personal 40 day spiritual journey that will transform your answers to life’s…

The Purpose Driven Church

Rick Warren

“The Purpose Driven Church” is a book written by Rick Warren, founder and senior pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, United States. Purpose Driven Church is a call to build healthy churches through God’s five purposes for his people and the church: Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry, and Evangelism.

Christian Beliefs

Wayne Gruden

God doesn’t call every Christian to go off to seminary, but there are certain matters of doctrine—that is, the church’s teaching—that every Christian simply must know. Theology is important, because what we believe affects how we live. If you’re a relatively new believer in Jesus, or if you’re a more mature Christian looking for a quick brush-up on basics of the faith, Christian Beliefs is for you. This readable guide to twenty basic Christian beliefs is a condensation of Wayne Grudem’s award-winning book on systematic theology, prized by pastors and teachers everywhere.

The Blessed Life

Robert Morris

The blessed life is available to God’s children in any culture and generation. However, God – not the modern culture of selfish ambitions, greed and consumerism – defines such life. To follow modern definitions of a blessed life would be to walk a misleading path. Instead, in order to live such a blessed life, followers of Christ must learn its principles from the Bible and faithfully practice them on a daily basis. Robert Morris encountered God’s teaching on financial stewardship and obeyed it in his daily walk soon after coming to faith in Jesus.

Your People Shall Be My People

Don Finto

“Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God” (Ruth 1:16). Like Ruth in the Old Testament, every Gentile believer has come out of the land of famine and into the spiritual realm of abundance in the name of Jesus. But unlike Ruth, we have turned our backs on the Jewish people, the relatives of the Messiah.

Truth For Today Romans 1-7 Commentary

David L. Roper

Part 1 of David Roper’s doctrinal study on Romans provides an in-depth look at Paul’s inspired teachings in Romans 1-7. The text explains that salvation comes by grace, not by personal merit or by law-keeping. Paul’s epistle declares that all are sinners but presents Christ as the remedy for sin and its consequences. The text shows how one who submits to Christ’s transforming gospel can overwhelmingly conquer temptation, sin, and even death. The good news of Romans is that God is ever working in the lives of those who follow the Spirit instead of the flesh. (470 pages)

Truth For Today Leviticus Commentary

David L. Roper

In the Book of Leviticus, God established the priesthood and ordained the various sacrifices to be offered at the tabernacle. While Christians are not under the Law, we are called to be God’s holy people today. The sacrificial system of the Old Covenant foreshadowed the giving of God’s perfect Lamb, His Son Jesus Christ. In response to His sacrifice on our behalf, we are to live in faithful obedience to His New Covenant. (588 pages)

Truth For Today Commentary Acts 1-14

David L. Roper

A complete exegesis and application of the Old and New Testament Scriptures by faithful scholars of the churches of Christ. Each volume in this historic work provides remarks on the verses of the text covered, and chapters end with application sections which offer suggestions for developing sermons and Bible classes.

This book is currently being used by many preachers and teachers of the Word as they delve into the beginning of the Lord’s church. (558 pages)

The Story Of Hope

GoodSoil Ministries

The Bible is the most amazing book ever written. Imagine this: The 66 books of the Bible were written over a period of more than 1,500 years by approximately 40 different authors who represent a wide range of historical eras, geographical settings, political and cultural perspectives, levels of literacy, occupations, family backgrounds, and human personalities. Various parts of the Bible were written in three different languages on three continents. This remarkable book contains more than 500 stories involving nearly 3,000 characters. Yet beautifully interwoven from cover to cover through all of the Bible’s various stories is one Big Story. It’s a story that has an attention-grabbing opening, a clear and intriguing plot, a strong and interesting central character, many diverse and colorful supporting characters, numerous mysteries that are unveiled along the way, and a dramatically climactic ending.

W.E.A.P.O.N.S A Biblical Arsenal Of Truth For Men

Scott Caesar

This Scripture-drenched course is founded on 20 years of ministry to men by Men’s Pastor Scott Caesar and has a proven blueprint to revive a man’s soul, growing and maturing in biblical manhood. The comprehensive, step-by-step videos are designed to assist the teacher and his core leaders to minister more effectively to their men through a system of challenging but practical training to equip, engage and teach men. The format consists of masculine-themed teaching, combined with man-life parables, and interactive workshops with discussion/application times. It provides a sustainable system of accountable brotherhood that is built to last and a supported game plan of consistent Bible engagement for men.

All That The Prophets Have Spoken

John R. Cross

All that the Prophets have Spoken takes a look at the Bible without reference to Islam or the Quran. With an awareness of what Muslims believe about key prophets, the book examines what the Scriptures say about these men and connects them with the core message of the Bible. Keeping in mind the Islamic perspective, it builds on this understanding and addresses questions Muslims might have by the end so that they will have a clear understanding of the God of the Bible. The author, John R. Cross, writes from knowledge gained in a life-long study of the Holy Scriptures. He has extensive experience traveling and living abroad.

E3 Leader Training

Eric Ball

Desiring others to come to know Jesus is honorable and scriptural. However, salvation isn’t the finish line, rather it is the starting line for a lifetime of Christ-like growth. Identifying these basic biblical principles that enable us to grow and mature in Christ is the focus of E3. The author remains convinced that we have a mandate from God. Every person must have the opportunity to hear and respond to God’s solution to the sin problem in their lives (Matthew 28:19-20). Therefore, we have committed our lives to spreading God’s precious message.

The Blessed Life I Will Be A Father To You

Pastor Mike Harding

God wants you to know and experience for yourself that His heart for you is the heart of a Father. And God will not be an impersonal Father. He is a good Father who loves you deeply and wants to have a close and personal relationship with you. What is your image of God? What is the image of God that most people have of Him? What is the image of God that even most Christian believers have? This book tries to answer these questions.

I Changed My Mind

Jimmy Evans

The Christian life begins with repentance, which in Christian tradition means changing one’s mind. A similar process – embracing our new identity in Christ, embracing his teaching and putting off old ways of thinking – marks steps that follow conversion. Pastor Jimmy Evans leads his readers along the path of sanctification in the area of thinking. He focuses on five major areas of mental activity related to attitude, success and failure, worry and anxiety, insecurity, and, last but not least, fear. He addresses each area by exposing wrong mindsets, which new Christians may still be holding, and he provides practical teaching based on God’s Word on how to put it off and put on new biblically based thinking in each area.

ID Identity Reveals Destiny

Allan Kelsey and Brad Stahl

This is the book for every believer who is serious about understanding God’s mission for his or her life. However, do not expect to get it by simply reading this book. This is a workbook, not for light reading on your flight. Be ready to study it and occupy yourself with the thoughts and exercises contained on its pages. In fact, you will have plenty of self-reflective exercises. If you never took study seriously, this is a good time to change your mind because studying this book is totally worth the time and effort. So grab a pen, highlighter and a notepad and enter into a defining period of your life when you can find God’s mission for your life. This book will help you understand who you are now and what role your past plays in who you are today.

Ten Steps Toward Christ

Jimmy Evans

For new Christians as well as for mature believers, walking toward Christ is the ultimate task any day of the week. Not walking away from Him, but walking toward Him in order to see Him face to face, as child and parent, as bride and groom, as friend and friend, as believer and Lord. Yes, but how? Ten Steps Toward Christ explains it in simple and practical ways. Each chapter of the book talks about one aspect of the Christian life that can be called steps. Conversion, water baptism and communion, the key role of the Holy Spirit, fellowship with other believers, Bible reading and prayer, learning God’s will, stewardship of God-owned resources, dealing with our past, and renewing our mind.

Foundations Of Healthy Church Government

Tom Lane

A church of any size needs a church government. The type of leadership model adopted by a church from the beginning determines how the church grows, how it goes through trials and what impact the church makes on the local community. A church benefits when its government model is biblical, relational and healthy. Pastor Tom Lane’s writing springs from over four decades of pastoral leadership experience. Pastors and leaders who want to assess their leadership team and church governance and improve how their church performs will benefit from this book. The author’s practical wisdom will also be helpful to churches going through a leadership crisis.

The Beauty Of Spiritual Language

Jack Hayford

Revised and expanded with new content. People often think speaking in tongues is either gibberish or emotional exuberance. They think it is strange, dramatic, or sometimes excessive. Even among Spirit-filled communities, there is disagreement over the importance of tongues.

The Promise Principle: A New Way To Encounter The Bible

Phillip Hunter

This book presents simple but profoundly effective techniques that help believers overcome worries and fears, false ideas, and overwhelming circumstances and achieve a dynamic God-saturated life based on the eternal principles of God’s Word. The author directs his readers’ attention to the Bible and teaches them how to discover the truth of God’s promises for themselves. He asserts that Christians can trust every commandment and every truth written in the Bible.

Sabbath: A Gift Of Time

Bonnie Saul Wilks

The same amount of time is available to everyone. While everyone is busy and sometimes feels a lack of time, some people are able to recharge their souls and return to a workweek refreshed. What is their secret? In her book, Sabbath: A Gift of Time, Bonnie Saul Wilks, reveals this secret. Time itself is God’s gift to humankind. In addition, His special day of rest, Sabbath, is given to His people to be a blessing for all. Celebrating this day of rest, God’s people celebrate God’s faithfulness, express their trust in His providence and witness to other people about God’s generosity.

The Source Of Life

William G. Bradshaw

The extraordinary personality of Jesus is a subject of countless books and a theme of countless songs. Yet, He has been an obstacle for many. What shall contemporary readers make of His claims and life today? The best way to approach it is by studying His life and His teaching firsthand, in order to make our own conclusions about Him. John wrote his Gospel with the purpose of leading his first readers to faith in Jesus. Faith originates when we encounter the person of Jesus and His words. Contemporary readers by studying the Gospel of John will benefit in a similar way as his first readers did. This Bible study course written by William G. Bradshaw takes readers on an exciting adventure of learning about Jesus, the Source of Life.

Beyond Suffering – A Christian view on disability ministry

Joni Eareckson Tada and Steve Bundy

Effective disability ministry focuses not only on people with disabilities, but also gives its attention to care providers, who attend daily to the needs of such people. This course is a useful resource for church leaders who want to study the subject of disability with the goal of training other church members to care for people with special needs and their families.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Paul Washer

Paul Washer founded the HeartCry Missionary Society to support indigenous missionaries witnessing to people of their own culture.

In this book, Paul Washer escorts readers through a biblical overview of the good news about Jesus. Presenting passage after passage from the Bible, Washer describes the holy character of God, the human problem of sin, and the divine solution found in Jesus’ redemptive life, death, and resurrection for all who repent and believe. If you are interested in knowing the basic claims of the gospel or know someone exploring the truths of Christ, this succinct treatment of the greatest news the world has ever heard is just what you need.

The Journal of Global Christianity

Training Leaders International

The Journal of Global Christianity seeks to promote international scholarship and discussion on topics related to global Christianity. The journal addresses key issues related to the mission of the Church in hope of helping those who labor for the gospel wrestle with and apply the biblical teaching on various challenging mission topics.

Celebrate Recovery

John Baker

This leader’s guide contains testimonies, a 90-day strategy, and gives you everything you need to facilitate the life-changing Celebrate Recovery lessons. We’ve done our best to simplify your job. The clear, easy-to-follow format minimizes your preparation time and virtually walks you through each meeting. Besides the ability to follow basic instructions, a willing heart is all you need to successfully conduct this proven, life-changing program.

Why Study The Old Testament?

Third Millennium Ministries

This lesson is the first in a series of lessons that survey the entire Old Testament. We have entitled this series Kingdom, Covenants and Canon of the Old Testament. As this series title suggests, in these lessons we will focus on three crucial dimensions of the Old Testament. We will see that the Old Testament is a book unified around the central theme of God’s kingdom, that this kingdom was administered historically through covenants God made with his people and that through the Old Testament canon, these covenants were applied to the specific needs of God’s people at particular times and places.

The Kingdom Of God

Third Millennium Ministries

This lesson is the first in a series of lessons that survey the entire Old Testament. We have entitled this series Kingdom, Covenants and Canon of the Old Testament. As this series title suggests, in these lessons we will focus on three crucial dimensions of the Old Testament. We will see that the Old Testament is a book unified around the central theme of God’s kingdom, that this kingdom was administered historically through covenants God made with his people and that through the Old Testament canon, these covenants were applied to the specific needs of God’s people at particular times and places.

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