Christian Lingua

How hard is it to Learn Spanish?

Considering learning a second language is a thought that many of us have had in our lifetimes. Whether we want to remember the years of high school language requirements, are considerin

Considering learning a second language is a thought that many of us have had in our lifetimes. Whether we want to remember the years of high school language requirements, are considering traveling to a new country, or simply want to converse in a new language, learning a new language can be fun. For many the language they choose is Spanish. This is a common language and one of the easiest languages to learn for some people.

If you are considering learning Spanish as a second language, then the tips and tricks below will be helpful, but first, let us review why Spanish is not all that difficult to learn, at least if you are starting from English.

Spanish: Not that Difficult

Though trying to learn a new language as an adult is going to be difficult, some languages are a bit easier than others. There are five areas that can make it a bit easier though and these can also help you gain proficiency over time.


Motivation is fundamental to any new venture in life, including learning a new language. There are four basic elements that increase motivation. The first of which is competence. Competence is not being proficient in the new language in the beginning, but being consistent. This is consistency with studying, practicing, and building your skills on a daily basis. This is both in writing and speaking.

Next, find a teacher or mentor who can help, while still making it enjoyable. No one wants to continue to practice something boring. Third, determine why you want to learn Spanish in the first place. There has to be a motivation behind putting in the hours of work for it to be successful. Know why you want what you want. Finally, find a community, online or in real life to practice your skills.


When learning a new language, do not just focus on the language, but learn the culture of the language you are learning. Listen to music, research countries where the language is dominant, and watch movies or shows in the new language. The more you become part of the culture, the better and faster you will gain knowledge of the language.

Along with this, do not just focus on speaking the new language. Practice writing, speaking, listening to (understanding), and reading in Spanish. Specific to Spanish, grammar rules may be the most difficult to pick up. This is true for those who already speak languages that are similar such as Portuguese and even English, but for those starting from a language like Chinese, the pronunciation may be more difficult than grammar. Wherever you start, be patient as you are gaining new skills.

Though it should go without saying, having a teacher is great, but being self-motivated is the best way to truly learn a language. Without self-motivation and practice, the language will never be something you are truly comfortable using in any way beyond the basics.


Spanish may be one of the easier languages to learn for some, but others will struggle. It truly depends on where you begin and how hard you are willing to work toward your goal. The tips and tricks included above are for most any second language. If you know what you want, go for it and put in the work needed.